$5.95 – $269.95
Chapulines Adobados
Size: 1 Ounce (30 grams) | 1/4 Pound | 1 Pound | 5 Pounds
Ingredients: Grasshoppers, chile, garlic, salt and lemon
$5.95 – $189.95
Chapulines Sal y Limón
Size: 1 Ounce (30 grams) | 1/4 Pound | 1 Pound | 5 Pounds
Ingredients: Grasshoppers, lemon, salt, garlic and chile
$5.95 – $239.95
Chapulines Sazonados
Size: 1 Ounce (30 grams) | 1/4 Pound | 1 Pound | 5 Pounds
Ingredients: Grasshoppers, lemon, salt, garlic and chile
Chapulines are a traditional Mexican snack and ingredient. Grasshoppers are roasted and seasoned with chile powder, garlic and lemon.
A Mexican delicacy that dates back to the 16th century. Early Mexicans used chapulines as a natural and sustainable source of high protein food.
Our chapulines are dry roasted rather than wet so that they retain freshness longer, can be eaten from a bowl as a snack, or sautéed in oil for use in traditional Mexican recipes.